Welcome. This is Greg. Greg is a really nice guy. He is 102 years old, and although he has been suspected to have stolen meds from the nursery, he enjoys the best of health.

 He lives in a retirement home called “Snowy mountains”, located in the Sahara Desert. Sadly, there is a corona infection in his retirement home. Since he is afraid of anything he can’t see, Greg really wants to leave.

 The employees don’t want him to do that, since they will be beaten up by the boss lady if Greg escapes. Your job is to help Greg to get to freedom. There are three kinds of enemies. Nurses with syringes that contain a sedative, which will make Greg feel tired and after three shots make him go to sleep, after which the nurses will bring him back to a bed on the Level he is on. The second type are nurses with cudgels who will try to knock him out. Greg can take three hits before he passes out. After this the nurses will carry him back to his room. Finally, there is the boss lady. She is the infamous manager of the retirement home, who likes to torture the inhabitants with her cleaver. Only one hit with this instrument of death will knock Greg out, which will send him back to his room.

 Control Greg with the keys “A” and “D”. To defend himself Greg can get out of his wheelchair and hit the attackers with it. To switch between “move”-mode and “attack”-mode use the space bar. If Greg is stuck, let go of all the keys and press them again shortly after. If Greg is really stuck, use “R” to reset him. In case even this doesn’t help, use “Q” to go to sleep and start over at the beginning of the Level. 


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Tough game, but hilarious 
